

one of cryptos most significant cultural icons and the mascot of BASE.


who is BALDY?

Baldy is the legendary character from Matt Furie’s Boys’ club comic. He is a dancer and loves video games. Now he is living on the BASE blockchain as a Fan tribute. He has become blue mascot of the blue chain, BASE.

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how to buy

Connect Wallet

Download and install Tonkeeper wallet from the app sotre on iOS devices or by installing the browser extension.

Load up $TON

Buy $TON from your wallet or load up by sending $TON from exchanges to your Tonkeeper wallet address.


Head over to DeDust, connect your wallet and click on swap. Paste the ca to import $TWIDO, add the amount you're willing to buy and confirm swap.



Buy it on


Total Supply

Team/Dev/Advisors: 7%

Marketing: 9.66%

LP Locked: 83.34%






Strong Partnerships:

BALDY has forged strategic partnerships with leading companies in the crypto space, which will help to ensure the project’s long-term viability and growth.

Growing Ecosystem:

The Base Chain’s ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with numerous projects and applications being built on the platform. This growing ecosystem provides a strong foundation for BALDY’s success, as it allows the platform to leverage the resources and expertise of other projects in the space. As the Base Chain continues to grow, so too will the potential for BALDY to thrive and expand its offerings.

Strong Community Support:

The Base Chain and BALDY have garnered significant support from the crypto community, with many prominent figures expressing their bullish outlook on the project. This strong community backing provides a solid foundation for the project’s growth and success, as it ensures that there is a dedicated user base to support and promote the memecoin and blockchain.

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